(Fagus sylvatica)

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Large tree of the forests except in Mediterranean area from 35 to 40 m of which one uses the bark.

Beech is used for the tonic and astringent properties of its bark.
Also : Febrifuge, dysentery, lung disease, intestinal parasitosis, paludism.
In external use : Inflammations, care of the skin.

Decoction; 50g of crushed dried bark for 1 liter of water, boil during 15 minutes over a gentle heat, filter; 2 cup in a 2 hours interval in case of fever.

Mouthwash in case of stomatitis; decoction of fresh bark for 1 liter of water, boil during 15 minutes.

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Fagus sylvatica, European Beech, Common Beech