(Melissa officinalis)

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Hardy perennial from 0,20 to 0,80 m of the fresh places until 1000 m of which one uses the flowered tops and leaves.

Lemon balm melissa is a stimulant and facilitates digestion, calms nervous tensions. It helps in case of aerophagia. Attenuates flatulences and digestive headache.
Also : Giddiness, tinnitus, weakness.
In external use : Bad breath, insect bites.

Infusion : 30g of flowered tops and leaves for 1 liter of boiling water, let infuse during 10 minutes; 1 cup at bed time.

Wine; make a decoction of 20g of flowered tops in 1 liter of white wine, boil for 3 minutes; 3 tablespoons 3 time a day to stimulate appetite.

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