(Calendula officinalis)

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Common plant of the gardens from 0,20 to 0,50 m of which one uses the petals.

Marigold is especially used in external care as a disinfectant, to relieve skin diseases : wounds, burns, itchings, sunstrokes, warts, insects bites, callus, abscess, furoncles,blotches, chilblain ... Also out of infusion against hypertension, ulcers of the digestive tract. Marigold is mainly used externally as an antiseptic care to treat skin affections: injuries, burns, itching, sunburn, warts, bee stings. But also as a tea for many ailments: sudorific and diuretic against influenza, fever, rheumatism, gout, joint pain, anti-inflammatory and care against gastritis, enteritis, ulcerations of the mucous membranes of the stomach and bowel, colitis, and as a stimulant against congestion of the liver, biliary insufficiency, kidney stone, jaundice, as an emmenagogue and antispasmodic against irregular or painful menstruation.

Also: hypermenorrhea, hypertension, stomach and duodenum ulcer.

Externally: Impetigo, corns, calluses, abscesses, boils, burns, pitting, cracks, blotches, tendonitis.

Tincture : Cover some flowers with 3 times their volume of alcohol 40%, let macerate during 10 days, filter, keep in a bottle and preserve in a cool and dark place.

A simple ointment can be made by crushing fresh flowers and by mixing them with olive oil.

Out of powder : dry and crush the flowers and mix them with talc.

Infusion : One spoonful for one cup of boiling water, let infuse 10 minutes, 3 cups a day.

Cream; cover some fresh petals with olive oil, let macerate during 3 weeks, filter, put in a bain-marie and add some shea butter to get the desired consistency.

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Calendula officinalis (pot marigold)