(Potentilla anserina)

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Plant of the waste land, edges of roads growing to 0,40 m of which one uses the aerial parts and the root.

Silverweed is mainly astringent, useful against diarrhoea and to treat pharyngitis as a gargle.
Also in external use : as a powder on haemorrhoids, ulcers.

Out of infusion : 1 coffee spoon for 1 cup of boiling water, let infuse 10 minutes; 3 to 4 cups a day beetween the meals.

Former travellers suffering from the feet made of it a comfortable lining in their shoes.

Gargle with an infusion; 20 g of dried leaves to a liter of water, let infuse during 10 minutes.

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Argentina anserina, Common Silverweed, Silverweed Cinquefoil, silverweed