(Calluna vulgaris)

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Shrub of the wood from 0,20 to 080 m of which one uses the flowered tops.

A cystitis does not resists more than 48 hours to heather herb tea. It is especially diuretic, sedative and disinfectant of the urinary tracts. Also useful for rheumatisms and all diseases related to excess of urea and uric acid.
Also : Albuminuria, gout, enuresis, nephritis.
In external use : Scabs, acne.

Infusion : One tablespoon for 1 cup of boiling water, let infuse 10 minutes.

Decoction : Boil 500 g of plant in a few liters of water to be added to the bath to improve muscular tonicity.

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Calluna vulgaris, common heather, ling, heather